Sharon is an architect, urban designer and social strategist - Bsc (Milan Politecnico), Msc (DPU, Bartlett, UCL) - specialized in urban development with a particular interest towards the global south and contested areas having experienced regeneration projects in New York, Cambodia, Italy. She is exploring the role of urban borders and frontiers, carrying out her research “The Border: multiform manifestation and multidimensional work. Understanding the porteadoras through the spatialities of Ceuta and Melilla”.





Architect by training, Deborah is an urban and social design strategist - BSc, MArch, (Sapienza University of Rome); MSc (DPU, The Bartlett, University College London); PhD Candidate - specialized in urban development with a particular interest in the city of Rome and its Mediterranean identity. After national and international experiences in Rome, Barcelona, Dublin and New York in architecture and interior design, she started to work on urban development in cities as Seoul, Bronx (NY), Beirut, Phnom Penh, London and Palermo promoting participatory/collaborative processes into urban design.

Valentina Mandalari


Architect - MArch (Palermo University) - with a Landscape Urbanism imprinting, Valentina carries out narrative mapping and research projects focused on collaborative urbanism, participation and active citizenship. She worked in Paris, Lisbon, Palermo, Nairobi, Helsinki, Lyon and Tangier, exploring the dynamics of interaction and regeneration in public spaces, mainly through temporary installations and cooperation projects.

She currently investigates the role of artistic practices in urban recovery and socio-spatial integration processes.

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